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besar mulut bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "besar mulut"
  • besar:    ample; big; big one; booming; considerable;
  • mulut:    mouth; orifice; gag; gob; jaw; oral; aphthous
  • jangan besar mulut:    none of your sance
  • mulut:    mouth; orifice; gag; gob; jaw; oral; aphthous ulcer; oral cavity; door; gate; opening; tongue; beak; rima oris; porta; oral fissure; nozzle
  • dari mulut ke mulut:    from mouth to mouth; by word of mouth
  • adu mulut:    wrangle
  • air mulut:    gob
  • banyak mulut:    garrulous; gabby; talkative; loquacious; chatty; multiloquent; talky; polyloquent; inaniloquent; loquatious
  • barah mulut:    oral cancer
  • berat mulut:    reserve; quiet; taciturnity; untalkative; reticent; taciturn; submissive; reticence
  • buka mulut:    open mouth; open up
  • gatal mulut:    loquacious; garrulous; talky; talkative; gabby; chatty
  • harmonika mulut:    mouth organ; glass harmonica; mouth harp; harmonica
  • higiene mulut:    oral hygiene
  • kanker mulut:    canker; oral cancer
  • A black guy, big eyes, a mouthful of teeth.
    Seorang pria hitam, mata besar, mulut penuh gigi.
  • I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I-I got a mouth, I know.
    Maaf, maaf, aku besar mulut.
  • You're big-mouthed...but just a woman after all!
    Kau besar mulut... tapi tetap saja perempuan.
  • You've got a big mouth, girl, and too many teeth.
    Kau besar mulut, nak, dan terlalu banyak gigi.
  • But Blanca had a big mouth, so Taylor took her out.
    Tapi Blanca besar mulut... Jadi Taylor berbuat
  • Sending us some loudmouth who doesn't speak the language?
    Mengirimi kita orang besar mulut dan tak bisa bicara Spanyol?
  • On second thought, this blustering blowhard just crossed the line.
    Kalau dipikir-pikir, Si Besar Mulut itu sudah kelewat batas.
  • For having a big mouth is for what.
    Karena dia terlalu besar mulut.
  • Where the big-mouth vaginas Feel strange
    Dimana vagina besar mulut Merasa aneh
  • It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
    Cinta tak berarti iri... ..tak berarti besar mulut
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3